Want to know what happened to me less than an hour after arriving in Sevilla, Spain? Well, either way, I’m going to tell the few people who are actually reading this.
After we deplaned, I got my bag from baggage claim and then walked through the airport exit doors.
A couple of people on my study abroad program were on the same flight as me, and since everyone on our program had to meet at the same hotel, we decided that it would be cheaper to take the airport bus than split a taxi. (Looking back, that was not the move, but hindsight is 20/20.)
We hopped on the bus (but in actuality, did not hop). It was hard for me to lift my checked bag up the bus stairs, and no one could help me lift it because I was the last one in line to get on. I managed, but in the process of also trying to wear my heavy backpack and balance my carry-on bag on my shoulder while walking up the bus stairs, one of the wheels on my suitcase did not make it.
Yep, the bus step took the wheel completely off.
I saved the wheel, not that I thought it would do me much good in the future.
We rode the bus to its last stop, but I don’t think any of us realized that we still had a 15 minute walk to the hotel. Dragging my 67 pound suitcase with only one wheel, while shlepping my backpack and carry-on, made that walk feel like an eternity. I shut out the voices in my head that were telling me I was overheated and hangry, and just focused on making it to the hotel.
Everyone else in our group was complaining of the walk, but at least their suitcases were fully functioning.
After we finally got to the hotel to meet up with the rest of our program, I felt relieved, but already started to worry about how I would manage with my defective luggage when it was time to fly home at the end of the summer.
Stay tuned for THE ONE WITH THE SUITCASE - PART 2, coming next week, to find out what I did.